Tag: Preparedness

Kicking The Can Down the Road Is Not Financial Durability

Canoosa Finance is not here to get into political debates – money is the topic. The US federal government avoided postponed a shut down due to the annual budget not being agreed on before the current budget expires. This is a great time to look at how we can...

How to Increase Your Financial Durability

There is a lot of information about personal finance out there, but what is financial durability? It’s something that Equifax started scoring in 2020 – not that long ago! Equifax is a company that is known as one of the credit bureaus. So, what is it that they are...

The Dust Bowl – Insights from A Massive Ecological Disaster

The other evening, I watched Ken Burns’ documentary The Dust Bowl. I have found all his films excellent! He has an amazing ability to make what could be a boring topic interesting. There are some lessons that we can learn from the dust bowl. For those of you who...

Everything’s Good… Until It Isn’t!

Tires last until they blow… The income is great until it stops coming in… Our health is good until we end up in the hospital… Everything is good until it isn’t! Things can work out like in Hemmingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises: “How did you go bankrupt? Two...

Surround Yourself with Wealth – Cash at Home

Keeping cash at home should be an aspect of your emergency funds. I am a firm believer in having back-up plans. Sometimes, I have a back-up plan for the back-up! As Murphy says, “If something can go wrong, it will.” (… and it usually happens at the worst time!)...

Win The Money Game with Lessons from Old Ironsides

Today, October 21, 2021, marks the 224th anniversary of the launch of the USS Constitution, or as it is also known by its nickname – Old Ironsides. She is the oldest ship still afloat! As returning visitors know, I enjoy history and I would like to share some lessons...

Use Cyber Security to Protect Your Money

We live in a world where the Internet connects everybody. It allows us to connect with one another even when there are great distances separating us. We can work with people around the world in real time. We can take classes, conduct our banking, and invest online. There are...

Weather the Storms with an Emergency Fund

With the global financial crisis looming as the economic shutdown related to COVID-19 continues, I won’t go into much detail about why everyone should have an emergency account. I previously wrote about carrying emergency cash. That is not part of this emergency fund. The emergency fund I am talking...

The 1-Up System for Food & Money

It amazed me how people were panic buying when COVID-19 spread its way around the world. It got me wondering if that many people really have so little food at home. An alarming number of people live paycheck to paycheck. It makes sense that they might do the same...