Tag: Security

Surround Yourself with Wealth – Cash at Home

Keeping cash at home should be an aspect of your emergency funds. I am a firm believer in having back-up plans. Sometimes, I have a back-up plan for the back-up! As Murphy says, “If something can go wrong, it will.” (… and it usually happens at the worst time!)...

Use Cyber Security to Protect Your Money

We live in a world where the Internet connects everybody. It allows us to connect with one another even when there are great distances separating us. We can work with people around the world in real time. We can take classes, conduct our banking, and invest online. There are...

Protect Yourself with Strong Account Security

Making, saving, and investing money are common themes covered in personal finances. If we neglect the aspect of account security, all our hard work can be undone! This post is about account security and how to increase your security. For more information on cyber security, I have a post...

Carry Emergency Cash to Boost Confidence

As I write this post, we are amid the Corona Virus crisis. This challenging time has brought to light the importance of managing emergencies and having emergency funds. It is times like these that test our financial durability. Carrying emergency cash is a part of the financial durability that...