How To Decipher a Signal from All the Noise
I have a confession to make. I don’t pay much attention to the news. Why? Isn’t that where one should look to find out what is happening? It’s been my experience that the news is mostly noise. If you are looking for a signal, which is what everyone is...
Are Machines Friend or Foe?
Are machines a friend or foe? People have always had a love / hate relationship with technology. Some people love it, others not so much. Computers and AI are just the current technology with which we are learning to live, work, and integrate into our lives. In reality, though,...
You Are Your Best Investment
A lot of people think that their house is their biggest and best investment. For some people that may be so. When we invest in ourselves, it is the best investment we can make. This is also something where we can control the value. When we take care of...
7 Methods to Increase Task Productivity
How can we increase task productivity in our lives? I know this isn’t directly about money, but both time and money are forms of wealth. My intention with this post is not to encourage you to take on more tasks. This is how to complete our current tasks in...
Self-Educate Yourself to Win The Money Game
When I was in school, I remember being taught how to write a check, calculate change, and calculate interest rates. What I was not taught was how to manage money and how money works. From what I have heard while talking with others and what I have seen online,...
How to Maximize Your Cellphone
After working for five years as a salesman in an electronics store, I learned quite a bit about cellphones and plans as well as how to get the most of our devices. There are some things that we can do to get the most out of our beloved little...
Use Timing & Planning to Save Money
The other day I told my 13-year-old son that the yard needed to get mowed that morning. I had looked at the weather forecast and saw that there were a couple rainy days coming. It had been a week since the yard was last mowed, so while it wasn’t...
Skillful Use of Credit Cards & Debit Cards
I remember getting my first debit card when I was just starting college. At the time, I was 18. It was less than a year later that I got my first credit card, a Discover Card. Over the years I have used both credit cards and debit cards without...
Protect Yourself with Strong Account Security
Making, saving, and investing money are common themes covered in personal finances. If we neglect the aspect of account security, all our hard work can be undone! This post is about account security and how to increase your security. For more information on cyber security, I have a post...