Gratitude Unlocks Abundance: Appreciating What You Have Attracts More

It’s easy to believe that having more will make life better. But what if the key to abundance lies in being grateful for what we already have? I’m not saying that simply appreciating the money we have will make us suddenly win the lottery. What happens is that gratitude...

Improve Your Financial Wellbeing with Money Fasting

In North America, we have become a society that prioritizes instant gratification over self-mastery. So many people seek to avoid pain any way they can – alcohol, drugs, TV, food, or “retail therapy”. In no way am I advocating that we all start punishing ourselves. What I am saying...

How To Decipher a Signal from All the Noise

I have a confession to make. I don’t pay much attention to the news. Why? Isn’t that where one should look to find out what is happening? It’s been my experience that the news is mostly noise. If you are looking for a signal, which is what everyone is...

Add Some Santa Claus Success To Your Life

Christmas is here again, and it’s hard to believe that the year is almost over! Tonight is the night when Santa Claus makes his rounds delivering gifts to all the good little kids. Last Christmas (or maybe it was the Christmas before that) I had the thought of writing...

Goal Setting Explained with Road Tripping

Most of us have probably been on a road trip at some point in our lives. We have also heard about goals and goal setting. There are different ways to take a road trip. The most common is travelling with a destination in mind – a goal. Everything that...

5 Levels of Financial Durability

Financial durability is not something that you either have or you don’t have. It is more of a spectrum. On that spectrum, we can break it down into 5 levels. These levels are intended to encourage you to improve your financial durability in an even, balanced manner. In this...

Stop Driving with Your Emergency Brake On

Those of us with driving experience have probably done this a time or two. Usually, it is purely accidental because driving with the emergency brake on is a bad idea. It is hard on the brakes and the engine has to work harder as well. The car is basically...

Anti-Budgeting: How to Outsmart Yourself Financially

You’ve probably heard that you should save a percentage of your income. Have you ever felt frustrated when it comes to finding that money? You’re not alone. Have you tried to budget your money only to fail? Me, too! Let me introduce you to the anti-budget. Here’s the good...

How’s Your Relationship with Money?

That may sound like a strange question. Maybe you’ve heard it before. Do you know what a healthy relationship with money looks like? If you would like to learn how to have or improve your relationship with money, this post is for you! Money Is Energy Another word for...

Life Planning for Success

My youngest just graduated from high school! It’s hard to believe that he is entering into adulthood. During his last year of high school, he has heard about planning for his future. He’s also heard about planning from my wife and I as well as in his youth group....