Add Some Santa Claus Success To Your Life
Christmas is here again, and it’s hard to believe that the year is almost over! Tonight is the night when Santa Claus makes his rounds delivering gifts to all the good little kids. Last Christmas (or maybe it was the Christmas before that) I had the thought of writing about Santa.
The title Santa Claus Success was inspired by many of the self-help books I’ve read over the years. What can we learn from Santa? Well, let’s take a look at the qualities he has. I know that I can apply some of these character traits to my life. So, without further ado, here’s the list in no particular order.
He Is Generous
This is probably what Santa is the most famous for! He fills stockings, puts presents out for kids, and even places some gifts under the Christmas tree. Santa leaves these gifts without expecting anything in return.
Rewards Good Behavior
Children are encouraged to behave so that they will be visited by Old Saint Nick. This is a strong reason for kids to behave – especially in the month of December! While Santa does reward good behavior, he does not give a reward right away or every time.
Does not punish
I’ve never heard of Santa disciplining kids. Some kids may need it, but he is not the one to hand out that punishment. As written in the book Whale Done, Ken Blanchard mentions the art of redirecting people to what they are doing right. We can learn to do that and have some Santa Claus success in our life.
He’s Jolly
Santa could be grumpy old goat! He hasn’t upgraded his ride in over a century, maybe two. He works all night long in the freezing cold and in hazardous conditions. Icy rooftops are no place for me! He is always jolly, though. Even before he is delivering toys, he endures long lines of kids wanting to sit on his lap. Some of those kids then burst into tears on his lap. Despite all this, he is still a jolly old soul.
He’s Magical
No one sees him when he is making his deliveries. This adds some of the magic to the Christmas season. On top of his magical abilities, his bag can hold anything, and he can do anything.
He’s Willing to Be Different
Kris Kringle is definitely a non-conformist! He stands out in any crowd. His beard is big! The red and white suit is unmistakable. He also lives where no one else lives – except for the elves. Did I mention that he is rather old-fashioned as well?
He Accepts What He Is Given
For all the gifts that Santa gives, he does not receive any money. Kids leave him milk & cookies. And according to Jeff Foxworthy, some people leave Santa pickled eggs & beer! He accepts whatever he is given. Maybe it is not exactly what he wants, although thoughtful parents can encourage their children to leave good snacks for Santa!
He Works Out-Of-Sight
In the dark of the night, he quietly spreads joy & happiness to the kids of the world. While he is given the credit, he does not put on a big show. He works quietly while no one is watching and without much help.
Elves Help Him
Speaking of help, he has elves as his assistants. We don’t know what their working conditions are like, but that is not the focus today. Santa is the one who is famous, yet he acknowledges that his elves are the ones who actually make the toys in his workshop. He treats them with kindness, and the elves are an integral part of his life.
He Is limitless
Nothing is too big for Santa! Nothing is too expensive! He operates from a mindset of abundance. He knows all, and he can do anything. He just does what needs to be done – without saying that it is too hard, too big, or too expensive.
Does the Impossible
He can fit everything into his bag and onto his sleigh! How does he do that? That is part of the magic about him. How does he deliver to all the kids around the world in one night? Again, impossible to most, but not him! Doing the impossible is part of the Santa Claus success you can have in your life.
Has An Urgent Deadline
FedEx can deliver overnight, but Santa delivers world-wide in only one night! There are no excuses for Santa not delivering. Even if it is foggy and he can’t see, he’s got a reindeer with a light! He has a tight deadline, yet he still delivers on time.
Pays Attention To Wants and Needs
Santa does not just give the same thing to everyone. No! He pays attention to what each person wants and needs, and he does his best to deliver. People like to be treated like individuals, and when we can do that, we will find that we have a place in their heart.
He Makes a List
If the myth, the legend, the magical Santa Claus uses a list to keep himself organized, do you think that mere mortals like us can accomplish much without a list? Shopping with a list and making a to-do (or ta-da!) list will help keep us more effective and productive. Just don’t try to make your list as long as Santa’s!
Doesn’t Work All the Time
While Christmas Eve is a very busy night for Santa, he takes plenty of time off from work. What does he do during his time off? We don’t know because he keeps his private life private.
Works On a Holiday Without Complaint
Santa works on a holiday, and he doesn’t complain about it! I find it interesting that a lot of very successful people work on holidays – think of athletes, entertainers, and musicians. These same successful people also take off more time than the average person. This changed my view of working on holidays.
Doesn’t Sing His Own Praises
Santa does not sing his own praises! Parents tell kids about all his amazing deeds. There are movies and songs about him. Even when Santa makes a mall appearance, he has a few elves there to assist him. When a person is genuinely successful, they don’t have to tell people – other people will announce it for them. Also, a truly successful person simply does things without having the need to announce what they are intending to do.
There is a lot we can learn from Santa Claus by looking at what he does and how he does it. I invite you to apply some of his character traits to your life and see what happens. Let’s keep the spirit of Christmas alive by applying Santa Claus success in our lives all through the year and as a result we can spread joy and happiness everywhere we go.
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I am just a guy sharing financial concepts that have worked for me. The information on this site may or may not apply to your specific situation and is intended for informative purposes only and is not a replacement for legal or professional advice. Please do your own due diligence. Any ideas that you choose to apply, you do so on your own free will and at your own risk. This site is opinion-based and these opinions do not reflect the ideas, ideologies, or points of view of any organization affiliated or potentially affiliated with this site.