Tag: Intention

Improve Your Financial Wellbeing with Money Fasting

In North America, we have become a society that prioritizes instant gratification over self-mastery. So many people seek to avoid pain any way they can – alcohol, drugs, TV, food, or “retail therapy”. In no way am I advocating that we all start punishing ourselves. What I am saying...

How To Decipher a Signal from All the Noise

I have a confession to make. I don’t pay much attention to the news. Why? Isn’t that where one should look to find out what is happening? It’s been my experience that the news is mostly noise. If you are looking for a signal, which is what everyone is...

Overcome Your Personal Kryptonite

As teenagers we have these thoughts and aspirations that we are going to go out into the world and conquer it! We want to become Superman or Super Girl. Sometime later we find out that we have our own Kryptonite in our lives. There are things in our lives...